William Wahl - Nachts sind alle Tasten grau
Whether cats and tomcats listen to William's choice of songs is not proven, but it is a fact that people come out of the solo evenings of the piano cabaret artist William Wahl beaming with joy.
Now multiple award-winning, the head of the a cappella group basta presents his second full-length program, "At night all keys are gray." In this, with impressive elegance and comedic finesse, he once again spans the great arc between cabaret and art, comedy and piano.
He tackles both the pitfalls of the zeitgeist and the big, unchangeable questions of life. With an affectionately mocking gaze, he looks at the celebratory spirit of his hometown of Cologne, sings movingly about women driving white SUVs, and struggles in his solo a cappella number "Interior Designers" with the pitfalls of gendering. Without forgetting the most important of all themes - love, to which he dedicates equally touching and subtly bitter-sweet songs.
In "At night all keys are gray," William Wahl once again uniquely combines the comedic with the poetic, the thoughtful depth with lightheartedness. Masterful!