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ROMEO & JULIET, Shakespeare's berühmteste Liebesgeschichte in der sommerlichen Open Air Location Schloss Pötzleinsdorf geht vom 6. bis 20. Juli 2024, in englischer Originalsprache, über die Bühne. Was wäre, wenn deine erste wahre Liebe jemand wäre, den du hassen sollst? Zwei junge Menschen, die durch die bittere Trennung ihrer Eltern auseinandergerissen wurden, riskieren alles, um zusammen zu sein. Die berühmteste Geschichte von Liebe auf den ersten Blick explodiert mit intensiver Leidenschaft und einem unwiderstehlichen Wunsch nach Veränderung. Wird dies eine Revolution auslösen oder wird die Spaltung der Generationen weitergehen?
Es spielen Sam Kozeluh, Louise Prack, Dennis Kozeluh, Anne Weiner, Robert Chionis, Lynne Ann Williams, Randall Galera, Peter Steele, Emily Busvine, uvm.
ROMEO & JULIET, Shakespeare's most famous love story in the summery open-air location of Schloss Pötzleinsdorf, will be staged in the original English language from July 6 to 20, 2024.
What if your first true love was someone you were meant to hate? Two young people, torn apart by their parents' bitter separation, risk everything to be together. The most famous story of love at first sight explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change. Will this spark a revolution or will the generational divide continue?
With Sam Kozeluh, Louise Prack, Dennis Kozeluh, Anne Weiner, Robert Chionis, Lynne Ann Williams, Randall Galera, Peter Steele, Emily Busvine, and many more.ROMEO & JULIET, Shakespeare's most famous love story, will be staged in the summery open-air location of Schloss Pötzleinsdorf, in the original English language, from July 6 to 20, 2024.
What if your first true love was someone you were meant to hate? Two young people, torn apart by their parents' bitter separation, risk everything to be together. The most famous story of love at first sight explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change. Will this spark a revolution or will the generational divide continue?
Featuring Sam Kozeluh, Louise Prack, Dennis Kozeluh, Anne Weiner, Robert Chionis, Lynne Ann Williams, Randall Galera, Peter Steele, Emily Busvine, and many more.