5 Jahre SOS Balkanroute
Saturday, 11/23/2024 at 6:00 PM
5 Jahre SOS Balkanroute
Saturday, 11/23/2024
at 6:00 PM
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Die Hilfsorganisation SOS Balkanroute wird Fünf!
5 Jahre Menschlichkeit, Ungehorsam, Durchhaltevermögen und Widerstand an den EU-Außengrenzen. Allen Grausamkeiten, allen Zäunen, allen SLAPP-Klagen von Mächtigen, all dem chronischen Unrecht zum Trotz…
Wir haben viel erreicht die letzten Jahre, angefangen bei der Schließung des Horrorcamps auf dem Minenfeld in Vucjak (2019), der Rettung von 1500 Menschenleben nach dem Brand im Camp Lipa (2020) oder letztlich die Aufdeckung und Absage des illegalen Gefängnisses für Geflüchtete im bosnischen Nirgendwo (2023).
Ohne die Solidarität der Menschen in Österreich – ohne euch - hätten wir es niemals geschafft 68 Hilfstransporte mit LKWs runterzufahren, ohne die vielen Unterstützer:innen könnten wir die laufende Versorgung von Geflüchteten an der EU-Außengrenze auch heute nicht aufrecht erhalten.
Genau das wollen wir feiern – die Solidarität, die freiwilligen Helfer:innen, die seit Jahren ehrenamtlich Kleidung sammeln, LKWs befüllen. Die Spender:innen, die mit ihren Daueraufträgen uns und den Helfer:innen vor Ort ermöglichen, das zu tun, was die EU verabsäumt zu tun.
Wir tun das gemeinsam mit herausragenden Acts wie der Honigdachs Bande (Kreiml & Samurai, Monobrother, uvm.), BAITS, Martin Spengler & die foischn Wiener:innen, unserer Haus-Punk-Band Büroklammer, uvm. Zwischen den Acts gibt es Reden und Einlagen von den Omas gegen Rechts, Roman Gregory, Amnesty Austria, Stadtrat Peter Hacker, uvm.
Schaut’s ned weg & feiert’s mit uns!
The aid organization SOS Balkanroute is turning five!
5 years of humanity, disobedience, perseverance, and resistance at the EU's external borders. Despite all the cruelties, all the fences, all the SLAPP lawsuits from the powerful, and all the chronic injustices…
We have achieved a lot in recent years, starting with the closure of the horror camp in the minefield of Vucjak (2019), the rescue of 1,500 lives after the fire at Camp Lipa (2020), and ultimately the uncovering and cancellation of the illegal prison for refugees in the Bosnian nowhere (2023).
Without the solidarity of the people in Austria – without you - we would never have managed to deliver 68 aid transports with trucks. Without the many supporters, we could not maintain the ongoing supply of refugees at the EU's external border even today.
That is exactly what we want to celebrate – the solidarity, the volunteers who have been collecting clothes and filling trucks for years. The donors who, with their standing orders, enable us and the helpers on site to do what the EU has failed to do.
We do this together with outstanding acts like the Honigdachs Bande (Kreiml & Samurai, Monobrother, etc.), BAITS, Martin Spengler & die foischn Wiener:innen, our house punk band Büroklammer, and many more. Between the acts, there will be speeches and performances from the Omas gegen Rechts, Roman Gregory, Amnesty Austria, city councilor Peter Hacker, and more.
Don't look away & celebrate with us!
Event data provided by: oeticket
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5 Jahre SOS Balkanroute
The aid organization SOS Balkanroute is turning five!
5 years of humanity, disobedience, perseverance, and resistance at the EU's external borders. Despite all the cruelties, all the fences, all the SLAPP lawsuits from the powerful, and all the chronic injustices…
We have achieved a lot in recent years, starting with the closure of the horror camp in the minefield of Vucjak (2019), the rescue of 1,500 lives after the fire at Camp Lipa (2020), and ultimately the uncovering and cancellation of the illegal prison for refugees in the Bosnian nowhere (2023).
Without the solidarity of the people in Austria – without you - we would never have managed to deliver 68 aid transports with trucks. Without the many supporters, we could not maintain the ongoing supply of refugees at the EU's external border even today.
That is exactly what we want to celebrate – the solidarity, the volunteers who have been collecting clothes and filling trucks for years. The donors who, with their standing orders, enable us and the helpers on site to do what the EU has failed to do.
We do this together with outstanding acts like the Honigdachs Bande (Kreiml & Samurai, Monobrother, etc.), BAITS, Martin Spengler & die foischn Wiener:innen, our house punk band Büroklammer, and many more. Between the acts, there will be speeches and performances from the Omas gegen Rechts, Roman Gregory, Amnesty Austria, city councilor Peter Hacker, and more.
Don't look away & celebrate with us!
6:00 PM
from € 25.00