Luisa Neubauer - Was wäre, wenn wir mutig sind?
Thursday, 2/20/2025 at 8:00 PM
Luisa Neubauer - Was wäre, wenn wir mutig sind?
Thursday, 2/20/2025
at 8:00 PM
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„Was wäre, wenn wir mutig sind?“
Die Klimadebatte scheint am Nullpunkt zu sein. Wie kann man überhaupt noch über das Klima sprechen, ohne dass Menschen enttäuscht, verzweifelt oder wütend werden?
Luisa Neubauer, bekannteste Klimaaktivistin im deutschsprachigen Raum, hat eine Antwort und wird im Frühjahr 2025 im Rahmen einer Lesereise durch Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz eine neue Tonlage in der Klimakrise vorstellen: „Was wäre, wenn wir mutig sind?“. Ein Aufbruch in der Klimadebatte.
Die Klimaaktivistin und Autorin präsentiert überraschende Szenarien, Zahlen und Lösungen zur Klimakrise, legt aber auch den Finger in die Wunde gesellschaftlicher Widersprüche. Es geht um die Krise der Welt und radikale Zuversicht, es geht um das Schöne, das Humor- und Hoffnungsvolle sowie das Schmerzhafte zusammen.
Während der multimedialen Abende werden Parts aus dem neu erschienenen Klima-Atlas und dem noch kommenden Hoffnungsessay vorgestellt. Durch abwechselnde Lesepassagen, interaktive Momente sowie mittels Projektionen zeigt die Klimaaktivistin an 15 Abenden beispielsweise, was für den Klimaschutz auf Druck der Klimabewegung in den vergangenen Jahren möglich gemacht worden ist, welche historischen Erfolge es zu feiern gibt und warum Humor in der Klimadebatte so wichtig ist.
Was wurde bereits erreicht aber auch zerstört, was bedeutet die Klimakrise für das Münchner Weihnachtsfest oder die japanische Kirschblüte und wie müssen sich Städte verändern, um der globalen Erwärmung standzuhalten? Wie erreichen wir noch mehr und woher kommt Hoffnung in einer krisenbehafteten Welt? „Was wäre, wenn wir mutig sind?“ – ein multimedialer Abend voller Aktivierung, mutiger Zukunftsszenarien und Aufbruchsstimmung.
„What if we are brave?”
The climate debate seems to be at a standstill. How can we still talk about the climate without people becoming disappointed, desperate, or angry?
Luisa Neubauer, the most well-known climate activist in the German-speaking world, has an answer and will present a new tone in the climate crisis during a reading tour through Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in spring 2025: “What if we are brave?”. A new beginning in the climate debate.
The climate activist and author presents surprising scenarios, figures, and solutions to the climate crisis, but also points out the societal contradictions. It’s about the crisis of the world and radical optimism, it’s about bringing together the beautiful, the humorous and hopeful, as well as the painful.
During the multimedia evenings, extracts from the newly published Climate Atlas and the forthcoming essay on hope will be presented. Through alternating reading passages, interactive moments, and projections, the climate activist will show over 15 evenings what has been made possible for climate protection under pressure from the climate movement in recent years, what historical successes there are to celebrate, and why humor is so important in the climate debate.
What has already been achieved but also destroyed, what does the climate crisis mean for the Christmas celebration in Munich or the Japanese cherry blossom, and how must cities change to withstand global warming? How can we achieve even more and where does hope come from in a crisis-ridden world? “What if we are brave?” – a multimedia evening full of activation, bold future scenarios, and a spirit of new beginnings.
Event data provided by: oeticket
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Luisa Neubauer - Was wäre, wenn wir mutig sind?
„What if we are brave?”
The climate debate seems to be at a standstill. How can we still talk about the climate without people becoming disappointed, desperate, or angry?
Luisa Neubauer, the most well-known climate activist in the German-speaking world, has an answer and will present a new tone in the climate crisis during a reading tour through Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in spring 2025: “What if we are brave?”. A new beginning in the climate debate.
The climate activist and author presents surprising scenarios, figures, and solutions to the climate crisis, but also points out the societal contradictions. It’s about the crisis of the world and radical optimism, it’s about bringing together the beautiful, the humorous and hopeful, as well as the painful.
During the multimedia evenings, extracts from the newly published Climate Atlas and the forthcoming essay on hope will be presented. Through alternating reading passages, interactive moments, and projections, the climate activist will show over 15 evenings what has been made possible for climate protection under pressure from the climate movement in recent years, what historical successes there are to celebrate, and why humor is so important in the climate debate.
What has already been achieved but also destroyed, what does the climate crisis mean for the Christmas celebration in Munich or the Japanese cherry blossom, and how must cities change to withstand global warming? How can we achieve even more and where does hope come from in a crisis-ridden world? “What if we are brave?” – a multimedia evening full of activation, bold future scenarios, and a spirit of new beginnings.
8:00 PM
from € 30.90