Les Ponts de Paris
Tuesday, 2/11/2025 at 7:00 PM
Les Ponts de Paris
Tuesday, 2/11/2025
at 7:00 PM
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LES PONTS DE PARIS - Oper in Taschenformat #1
Französische Melodien der 50er Jahre und das Leben der jungen Ela in Paris
Caroline AUCQUE Trio und Lisa Marie PUSEL (Erzählerin)
Oper im Taschenformat – Teil 1
Die Geschichte von Ela in Paris, unterlegt mit französischen Melodien der 50er Jahre.
Ein Frühjahr im Paris der 50er Jahre. Die junge und lebenslustige Sängerin Ela kommt aus der Provinz in die Stadt, um eine Karriere als Chanson-Sängerin zu beginnen. Sie lernt zwei Männer kennen: den Rechtsanwalt Eduard, einen Vertreter des Establishments und den Studenten Paul, einen überzeugten linken Aktivisten. Beide geben vor, sie auf Händen zu tragen, Eduard will sie bei einer großen Revue unterbringen, Paul stilisiert sie als Muse der Arbeiterklasse.
Schließlich muss Ela aber erkennen, dass beide Männer sich letzten Endes nicht für sie als Person, sondern nur als Projektionsfläche eigener Fantasien interessieren. Sie bricht die Beziehungen ab und beschließt, aus sich selbst heraus Karriere zu machen, was ihr auch gelingt.
Die junge Schauspielerin Lisa Marie PUSEL liest in diesem Konzert aus Elas (fiktivem) Briefwechsel mit ihrer Mutter und nimmt die Zuhörer mit in eine Geschichte über Sehnsucht, Liebe und weibliche Emanzipation. Dazu erklingt Musik aus der goldenen Ära des französischen Chansons, brillant und authentisch interpretiert vom Caroline AUCQUE Trio.
Dresscode: Feel free – von funky bis futuristisch, alles ist erlaubt!
Hinweis: Der Einlass ist ab 18 Jahren.
Lass den Alltag hinter dir, spür den Bass und erlebe eine Nacht, die du nicht vergessen wirst.
LES PONTS DE PARIS - Opera in Pocket Format #1
French melodies of the 1950s and the life of young Ela in Paris
Caroline AUCQUE Trio and Lisa Marie PUSEL (Narrator)
Opera in Pocket Format – Part 1
The story of Ela in Paris, accompanied by French melodies of the 1950s.
A spring in 1950s Paris. The young and vivacious singer Ela arrives from the provinces to start a career as a chanson singer. She meets two men: the lawyer Eduard, a representative of the establishment, and the student Paul, a committed leftist activist. Both pretend to adore her, Eduard wants to place her in a major revue, and Paul stylizes her as the muse of the working class.
Ultimately, however, Ela must realize that both men are ultimately only interested in her as a projection of their own fantasies, not for who she is as a person. She breaks off the relationships and decides to make a name for herself on her own, which she succeeds in doing.
The young actress Lisa Marie PUSEL reads in this concert from Ela's (fictional) correspondence with her mother and takes the audience on a journey about longing, love, and female emancipation. In addition, music from the golden era of French chanson resonates, brilliantly and authentically interpreted by the Caroline AUCQUE Trio.
Dress code: Feel free – from funky to futuristic, everything is allowed!
Note: Admission is from 18 years.
Leave everyday life behind, feel the bass, and experience a night you won't forget.
Event data provided by: oeticket
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Les Ponts de Paris
LES PONTS DE PARIS - Opera in Pocket Format #1
French melodies of the 1950s and the life of young Ela in Paris
Caroline AUCQUE Trio and Lisa Marie PUSEL (Narrator)
Opera in Pocket Format – Part 1
The story of Ela in Paris, accompanied by French melodies of the 1950s.
A spring in 1950s Paris. The young and vivacious singer Ela arrives from the provinces to start a career as a chanson singer. She meets two men: the lawyer Eduard, a representative of the establishment, and the student Paul, a committed leftist activist. Both pretend to adore her, Eduard wants to place her in a major revue, and Paul stylizes her as the muse of the working class.
Ultimately, however, Ela must realize that both men are ultimately only interested in her as a projection of their own fantasies, not for who she is as a person. She breaks off the relationships and decides to make a name for herself on her own, which she succeeds in doing.
The young actress Lisa Marie PUSEL reads in this concert from Ela's (fictional) correspondence with her mother and takes the audience on a journey about longing, love, and female emancipation. In addition, music from the golden era of French chanson resonates, brilliantly and authentically interpreted by the Caroline AUCQUE Trio.
Dress code: Feel free – from funky to futuristic, everything is allowed!
Note: Admission is from 18 years.
Leave everyday life behind, feel the bass, and experience a night you won't forget.
7:00 PM
from € 25.00