Wally and Ami Warning
Friday, 5/23/2025 at 8:15 PM
Wally and Ami Warning
Friday, 5/23/2025
at 8:15 PM
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Wer Wally und Ami Warning zusammen sieht, spürt schon nach wenigen Takten dieses blinde Verstehen und eine tiefe, gemeinsame und nicht nur musikalische Beziehung. Die Stilrichtung ist vielseitig und geht von Reggae und Soul über Latin und Gospel. Sie springen lässig zwischen Stilen, Sprachen und Klangkörpern hin und her und sind dabei total authentisch und ehrlich – ein multikulturelles Crossover.
Wally Warning ist in Aruba geboren und hat sein Leben schon frühzeitig der Musik verschrieben. So ist im Laufe der Jahre ein ganz eigener Stil entstanden: ein multikulturelles Crossover, das sich in keine Schublade einordnen lässt. Anklänge von Reggae und Soul, auch Latin und Gospel – der Multiinstrumentalist und Sänger springt lässig zwischen verschiedenen Stilen, Sprachen und Klangkörpern hin und her. Seine Ausstrahlung und Präsenz auf der Bühne wird im Zusammenspiel mit seiner Tochter Ami noch verstärkt.
Ami Warning feiert seit einiger Zeit als Solo-Künstlerin große Erfolge, zuletzt auch mit deutschsprachigen Liedern. Im März 2022 gewann sie den Deutschen Musikautor*innenpreis als beste Nachwuchsmusikerin.
Gemeinsam experimentieren die beiden mit Rhythmen, Stimmen und Instrumenten. Ihr Zusammenspiel wirkt nie inszeniert, sie schwingen ganz natürlich zusammen – so dass sich ihre positive Energie fast automatisch auf die Zuhörer*innen überträgt.
Wally: Gesang, Gitarre, Ukulele, Shrutibox, Djembé
Ami: Gesang, Gitarre, Bass
When Wally and Ami Warning are seen together, one can feel after just a few beats this blind understanding and a deep, shared, and not only musical relationship. The style is diverse, ranging from reggae and soul to Latin and gospel. They casually jump between styles, languages, and sound ensembles while being totally authentic and honest – a multicultural crossover.
Wally Warning was born in Aruba and has dedicated his life to music from an early age. Over the years, a very own style has developed: a multicultural crossover that cannot be pigeonholed. Echoes of reggae and soul, as well as Latin and gospel – the multi-instrumentalist and singer effortlessly move between different styles, languages, and sound bodies. His charisma and presence on stage are further enhanced in combination with his daughter Ami.
Ami Warning has been celebrating great successes as a solo artist for some time now, recently also with German-language songs. In March 2022, she won the German Music Authors’ Prize as the best newcomer musician.
Together, the two experiment with rhythms, voices, and instruments. Their interplay never feels staged; they resonate together quite naturally – so that their positive energy almost automatically transfers to the listeners.
Wally: Vocals, guitar, ukulele, shruti box, djembe
Ami: Vocals, guitar, bass
Event data provided by: oeticket
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Wally and Ami Warning
When Wally and Ami Warning are seen together, one can feel after just a few beats this blind understanding and a deep, shared, and not only musical relationship. The style is diverse, ranging from reggae and soul to Latin and gospel. They casually jump between styles, languages, and sound ensembles while being totally authentic and honest – a multicultural crossover.
Wally Warning was born in Aruba and has dedicated his life to music from an early age. Over the years, a very own style has developed: a multicultural crossover that cannot be pigeonholed. Echoes of reggae and soul, as well as Latin and gospel – the multi-instrumentalist and singer effortlessly move between different styles, languages, and sound bodies. His charisma and presence on stage are further enhanced in combination with his daughter Ami.
Ami Warning has been celebrating great successes as a solo artist for some time now, recently also with German-language songs. In March 2022, she won the German Music Authors’ Prize as the best newcomer musician.
Together, the two experiment with rhythms, voices, and instruments. Their interplay never feels staged; they resonate together quite naturally – so that their positive energy almost automatically transfers to the listeners.
Wally: Vocals, guitar, ukulele, shruti box, djembe
Ami: Vocals, guitar, bass
8:15 PM
from € 20.00